

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Десять стран просят Google делать больше для защиты Privacy (English, Russian)

...The missive scolds Google for what it describes as a range of privacy abuses, ranging from inadequate protections in its social-networking service Buzz to its procedures for retaining images it gathers for its Street View mapping services. It calls on Google to create "privacy-protective" default settings and make it easy for people to delete their accounts, among other measures.

"We are increasingly concerned that, too often, the privacy rights of the world's citizens are being forgotten as Google rolls out new technological applications," reads the letter, which also asks for Google to issue it a response for how it plans to meet these requirements. "Privacy cannot be sidelined in the rush to introduce new technologies to online audiences around the world.

European authorities have long been among the Internet giant's harshest critics when it comes to privacy issues, pressuring the company to shorten the time it retains search logs, for example. A range of European governments blasted a settlement between Google, authors and publishers over digital books in part over concerns with what Google would do with users' reading records.

Criticism is the U.S has been building too. A group of lawmakers recently asked the Federal Trade Commission to investigate Google's roll-out of its social networking service Buzz, which they contend exposed private information about Google users.

The letter also dwells on Buzz, claiming that the launch "betrayed a disappointing disregard for fundamental privacy norms and laws." After launching Buzz, Google acknowledged that it could have made some user controls more prominent and updated them within days.The letter also targets Google's Street View service, which it says was "launched in some countries without due consideration of privacy and data protection laws and cultural norms." While the letter acknowledges that Google has addressed some concerns, it claims that "there is continued concern about the adequacy of the information you provide before the images are captured."

Letter from privacy officials

Краткий перевод:

...потребовали от корпорации Google уделять больше внимания защите права пользователей на личную жизнь.

Основной упор в письме делается на скандале, спровоцированном запуском социальной сети Google Bazz, когда выяснилось, что в открытый доступ попали все адресные книги пользователей службы электронной почты Gmail.

..."Вместе с тем, в погоне за новыми аппликациями Google забывает о праве жителей планеты на частную жизнь, и это не может не вызывать обеспокоенность", - говорится в письме...


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